The Hitchhiker's Guide to an Active Archive/Content Protocol
Revision as of 11:02, 22 October 2023 by Thijshijsijsjss (talk | contribs) (Add temporary ending lines)
🎵 Play transition jingle: move_2.mp3
Protocoller: Initiate Content Protocol.
🎵 Play background Music: background_static.mp3
Protocoller: Announce the TIME. Performer: It is [TIME] and you're tuned in to Protocols for an Active Archive on Radio Worm. We're now going to listen to... What are we going to listen to? Navigator: Oh my, we're flying through a rich part of the archives right now, a Content Funnel! Performer: Woah, it's beautiful here. What's that!?
🎵 Play <10sec audio track with different pieces of content together, much like the WORMHOLE track
Navigator: Wait, let me tune the receiver.
🎵 Play 1 musical track that was part of the cacophony before in the background
Protocoller: Navigator, explain channel tuning. Navigator: Moving through the archive, a lot of content passes the Ether. Channels let us focus on one piece of content at the time. I can move the channel up [MOVE CHANNEL UP, PLAY OTHER FILE, WAIT A FEW SECONDS], or down [MOVE CHANNEL DOWN, PLAY MUSICAL PIECE, WAIT A FEW SECONDS]. What channel should we tune in to? Performer: Let Ground Control decide. Performer: Roger that. Ground Control, what channel do you want to listen to? I'm receiving 5 channels.
🎵 Play Connecting to the ether track Connecting_to_the_ether.mp3
Present PAD with the 5 channels:
(UP2) ...
(UP1) Get Lamp
(BASE) 1000 Fragments
(DOWN1) The Art of Asking Your Boss for a Raise
(DOWN2) ...
If there are no clear instructions in the PAD:
Navigator: I'm not getting any readings from Ground Control. Protocoller: The only way to get through a Content Funnel is by getting to the very end. Performer: Oh no, this is bad. Navigator: Ground Control, do you copy? Please indicate your preference of Channel.
🎵 Play Connecting to the ether track Connecting_to_the_ether.mp3
Repeat the above if necessary.
Otherwise, when a channel preference is received:
Navigator: Copy that Ether, [moving channel UP / STAY / DOWN]. Remember: we can change the channel at any time!
CHANNEL UP2: ... -->
CHANNEL UP1: Get Lamp -->
CHANNEL BASE: 1000 Fragments-->
CHANNEL DWN1: The Art of Asking Your Boss for a Raise -->
CHANNEL DWN2: ... -->
Return here after a piece of content has finished, and you're not redirected elsewhere:
Performer: Navigator, where to next? Navigator: Let's move to the End of Broadcast Protocol. Redircting in 3... 2... 1...