The Hitchhiker's Guide to an Active Archive/Content Protocol/Get Lamp

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Revision as of 08:20, 22 October 2023 by Anita! (talk | contribs)
🎵 Get Lamp embed goes here. Play it quietly while we're talking over it.
Navigator: Switched channels to UP1. We're tuned into 'Get Lamp'.
Performer: 'Get Lamp' is a documentary about text adventures and interactive fiction. More than 80 interaction fiction developers were interviewed in order to complete it. 
Protocoller: Let us Listen.

If pad messages about channel switching

Navigator: We've received new intructions from Ground Control. Now switching channels.

🎵 Play channel switch channel_switch.mp3

If the piece of content ends while tuned in to this channel.

Navigator: That's the end of this piece of content.
Protocoller: Give an outro to this piece of content.
Performer: I guess I can, you just listened to 'Get Lamp', a documentary filmed by computer historian Jason Scott. 
Protocoller: I don't hear you very well, protocol would suggest us to do a mic check
Navigator: Redirect to Mic Check