The Hitchhiker's Guide to an Active Archive/Music Protocol/Cybernetic Serendipity
Protocoller: Play audio fragment to introduce Cybernetic Serendipity.
Optionally, if PAD activity indicates familiarity with this fragment, or if the Performer and Navigator feel like it:
Performer: I dunno... I have this weird feeling that I know them already... Navigator: It's vaguely familiar. Protocoller, do you have something on 'Cybernetic Serendipity?' Protocoller: Yes. The music of 'Cybernetic Serendipity' is used in the audio play version of The Hitchhiker's Guide to an Active Archive. I assume you listen to that a lot. Navigator: Naturally. Performer: Shall we just listen to a piece of their music? Protocoller: I will allow it. Performer (whispering): niceee.
Navigator: Pulling from our Archive: Cybernetic Serendipity (ICA) - Late Night Lineup (1968).
Protocoller: Roll a 10 sided dice.
Protocoller: Announce outcome of the diceroll and play an audio clip based on outcome of the diceroll.
1. Performer: We rolled a 1.
Protocoller: Play audio clip 1.
2. Performer: We rolled a 2.
Protocoller: Play audio clip 2.
3. Performer: We rolled a 3.
Protocoller: Play audio clip 3.
4. Performer: We rolled a 4.
Protocoller: Play audio clip 4.
5. Performer: We rolled a 5.
Protocoller: Play audio clip 5.
6. Performer: We rolled a 6.
Protocoller: Play audio clip 6.
7. Performer: We rolled a 7.
Protocoller: Play audio clip 7.
8. Performer: We rolled a 8.
Protocoller: Play audio clip 8.
9. Performer: We rolled a 9.
Protocoller: Play audio clip 9.
10. Performer: We rolled a 10.
Protocoller: Play audio clip 10.