The Hitchhiker's Guide to an Active Archive/Content Protocol/Get Lamp
🎵 Get Lamp embed goes here. Play it quietly while we're talking over it.
Navigator: Switched channels to UP1. We're tuned into 'Get Lamp'. Protocoller: Let us Listen.
If pad messages about channel switching
Navigator: We've received new intructions from Ground Control. Now switching channels.
🎵 Play channel switch channel_switch.mp3
CHANNEL UP2: ... -->
CHANNEL UP1: Get Lamp -->
CHANNEL BASE: 1000 Fragments-->
CHANNEL DWN1: The Art of Asking Your Boss for a Raise -->
CHANNEL DWN2: ... -->
If the piece of content ends while tuned in to this channel.
Navigator: That's the end of this piece of content. Protocoller: Give an outro to this piece of content. Performer: ...