The Hitchhiker's Guide to an Active Archive/Music Protocol/Scratch Orchestra

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Revision as of 12:46, 20 October 2023 by Thijshijsijsjss (talk | contribs) (Add dice roll sound effect)
Protocoller: Introduce the Scratch Orchestra.
Performer: Scratch Orchestra is an experimental music ensamble that was founded in 1969 by Cornelius Cardew, Michael Parsons and Howard Skempton. The orchestra was a blend of trained and non-trained musicians who performed from scratch using graphic scores instead of traditional noted music promoting free play and experimentation. As defined in the early manifesto, it was "a large number of enthusiasts pooling their resources (not primarily material resources) and assembling for action (music-making, performance, edification)" The constitution also distinguished between four types of activities to be performed: Improvisation Rites, Popular Classics, Compositions, and Research Projects.
Protocoller: Roll a 10 sided dice. 

Protocoller: Announce outcome of the diceroll.
Performer: We rolled [N].
Protocoller: Play the first [N] minutes of TREATISE.