User:Eleanorg/1.2/Thematic/Halfway Presentation

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Revision as of 11:00, 14 February 2012 by Eleanorg (talk | contribs)

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Archives need at once a guardian and a localization
Derrida, Archive Fever

The question of land refuses to go away.
Hakim Bey, Post Anarchism Anarchy

last trimester: geographic/virtual distance

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Real Politic of server location

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  • just as 'cyberspace' fantasy denies the body, so FB deems 'bodily' content out of place there

Interviews with grassroots hosting providers

we ask everyone who requests a blog to agree to the terms upon request. ...If we find that someone doesn't then we reserve the right to disable their blog. I didn't used to hold that view for Indymedia, I was of the opinion that whatever goes, that being selective was censorship. But over the years having seen the trouble caused by being laissez-faire about policy... I'm more judgmental about it these days.
- Network 23 hosting collective member

An example: although I'm opposed to fox hunting, I believe that it is the right of people to... express their desire to do it. Therefore if the government outlawed the expression of the right to hunt foxes, then I would support a blog of people wishing to express that right. - Network 23 hosting collective member

Hosting a group does not meant they cannot have a web presence - they need to find another provider. If they cannot, there is nothing to stop them getting the skills to set up their own hosting. Part of the principle behind ox4 comes from it's anarcho-roots whereby people shouldn't be force coerced into doing work that they do not want to do. hosting a group that we didn't agree with 'politically' would be doing this type of work. - OX4 hosting collective member

  • Even in decentralised networks, the server's guardian & localization determine inclusion/exclusion

The Distributed Archive





