XPUB2 prototyping - Ål Nik documentation
- M&Ms with Emma & Chae [notebooks practice exchange; photo-taking and photo collage making]
- Focus group on servers with Joseph & Manetta [setting up together a vps - from setting it to create our first webpage] - pad
- M&Ms with Kamo & Supi
- prototyping classes about how to take (a better) care of our computers
- M&Ms with me and Mitsa - facilitated deep listening & responding jam
- public event communication work
- aurdino motor tutorial by Joseph
- public moment at leeszaal
- reflection on the event
- documentation here
- M&Ms w/ Jian, Kamo & Gersande (ghost files, padliography, social shelf)
- decision-taking experiments for Public moment #2 w/ Joseph (most elegant circular information passing)
- work on proposal for the day - everyone by Friday, 11-11-2022
- tutorial w/ Manetta (wikimedia installation prep)
- tutorial w/ Joseph - instruments discussion & brainstorming / w/ Mitsa
- tutorial w/ Manetta - wikimedia
- tutorial w/ Manetta - wikimedia
- tutorial w/ Manetta - project editorial, update on project and discussion
- workshop web to print - how to create paged.js environment
- tutorial w/ Manetta - cross-publishing; editorial discussion
- tutorial w/ Joseph - pd patch for playing multiple audio files
things I'm interested in exploring during xpub2:
_pure data for musical instruments _mailing list _wikimedia _web to print
[about] one of the completely new things for me at XPUB was documenting my research and practice by using Wikimedia. I would like to keep that after graduating, thus I want to install my own Wikimedia and connect to my current website.
- Mediawiki - tutorial by Manetta
- Hosting and serving - tutorial by Joseph & Manetta
- vps hosting (OVH cheapest starter pack as a beginning) & domain (will use my own alnik.me)
- my own mediawiki installed on my server and connected to my domain
Web to print
- basic structure: basic structure tutorial
- css documentation & place for learning
- combo with different languages
- structure of having a paged.js setup for creating files to print directly for web
- contents of the structure: HTML core file; CSS stylesheets; conversion command from .rtf to .html
- up next - dive into CSS
▶ pad of the day