this room for sound residency will be an exploration of tying digital connections and using them as an instrument. connexion used to be spelled with an x which shows the origin of the word: a binding or joining together. opening a network connexion creates a string of data which can and will be plucked. a work in the form of a net: strings interwoven and interconnetted. starting from short strings inside a single computer, over the two weeks this network will expand to cover the entire universe.
This is a two week residency in the Willem de Kooning Academy's Room for Sound, from 16th to 27th January 2023. I will be experimenting with networked music, in particular I plan to use some ESP32 boards and a Raspberry Pi to send and receive RTP-MIDI over LAN and hopefully WAN, and to translate this MIDI data to and from audio (via microphones, sensors, buzzers, speakers, etc). I would like to get other people involved in this process as well as getting the machines to interact: the machines could be not just musicians but also instruments.
Get the computers to entrain to eachother dynamically, clap with eachother
While Countup++ per ms If(hearbeep) or (countup= random ~ 200ms) If(countup >40ms) Wait(countup ms) Sendbeep Countup=0