User:Aitantv/p r o j e c t
cooking interview / fieldwork
- sound divorced from image
the host / the host
- the host - director cooking stew for speculative scenes
the guests / the parasites
- specualtive scenes - talk (of the host) from behind the camera
which camera lens?
- Is it a combination of camera approaches?
- Is it a simple handheld DV camera? This could help overlap with Paranormal movies (like Blair Witch) lending it a certain authenticity
- A wide lens for the indoor scenes and a more narrow lens for the outdoors? Or go even wider with the outdoors to reference surveillance.
- food related internet conspiracies
- greenhouses south of rotterdam
Salimah Gablan, Coffee Meeting, 02.12.22
Yaakov Gablan (father)
- A painter who moved from Iraq, to Israel, to the Netherlands.
- Looking for connection in older life he went to Schak, a chess cafe, enjoying the games and community. The men from the Schak came to his funeral.
- Favourite Iraqi dishes are Kubba Shorba (meat, onion, herbs, spices) and Torshi (pickled vegatables). Also mention of a lebanese fglat bread
- The funeral took place in November 2022. Yaakov was wrapped in a linen showl. Olive branches garnished his body. His paintings decorated the space. Light flooded in through the open doors.
- his children were important to him than his own sibligs who he'd had various disputes with, usually in relation to money.
- He is buried in Het Niuwe Oost Cemetery.
Jewish diaspora
- tribalism - the idiosyncracy of each and every jewish family and custom
- R - The Hadji, by Leon Unis (Jewish Arab symbiosis)
- R - The Jewish Bride, by Judith Neurick (the disappearing history of iraq)
- R - The Story of the Jews, by Simon Schama / Russel Shortall