Revision as of 17:46, 16 January 2012 by Andrecastro (talk | contribs)
Converting pictures to a video
ffmpeg -y -r 3 -b 1800 -sameq -i frames/%06d.png foo.mp4
Combining video + sound into a single movie
ffmpeg -i audio.wav -i video.mpeg final.mpeg
Video Transcoding
mov to mp4
ffmpeg -i infile.mov \
-acodec libfaac -ab 96k \
-vcodec libx264 -b 345k -bt 345k \
-threads 0 -s 640x360 outfile.mp4
- -ab audio bit-rate: 96kbits/sec
- -b video bitrate: 345k
- -bt bitrate tolerance: 345k
- -s size: 640x360
mov to .ogv (Theora video / Vorbis audio)
ffmpegtotheora myfile.mov
<source lang="bash"> ffmpeg -i infile.mov \
-acodec libvorbis -ac 2 -ab 96k -ar 44100 \ -b 345k -s 640x360 outfile.ogv
<source lang="bash">
more arguments:
- -ac audio channels: 2
- -ar audio sample rate: 44100 Hz