User:Ssstephen/Reading/Universality in Elementary Cellular Automata

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Revision as of 13:42, 5 November 2022 by Ssstephen (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Because a system is universal, some of its properties are undecidable (will it become periodic, will a particular sequence occur) Because Turing machines are universal, if a compiler exists that can compile any data and program from a turing machine to another computer, then that computer is also universal Tag systems are universal ACDABBE --> DABBECCDD Cyclic tag systems can only have a two letter alphabet {Y,N}, but they can emulate tag systems so are also universal...")
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Because a system is universal, some of its properties are undecidable (will it become periodic, will a particular sequence occur)

Because Turing machines are universal, if a compiler exists that can compile any data and program from a turing machine to another computer, then that computer is also universal

Tag systems are universal ACDABBE --> DABBECCDD

Cyclic tag systems can only have a two letter alphabet {Y,N}, but they can emulate tag systems so are also universal.

A glider system from Matthew Cook's paper 'Universality in Elementary Cellular Automata'
A glider system from Matthew Cook's paper 'Universality in Elementary Cellular Automata'

A glider system (see image) is a system of moving particles called gliders. In the image you can see diagonal lines which interact with vertical lines (the tape head or data) in the centre, emulating a cyclic tag system. The glider system is running an emulation of the cyclic tag system, which is running an emulation of the tag system. In a way this looks like a vector system to me, of interacting vectors rather than flipping bits.

Lastly you run an emulation of the glider system inside rule 110.


Fabric version of this could be really interesting. If you got a round loom with 14n pins (a flat loom maybe would be more flexible, to decide different sizes), you could knit a hat or sock program. Or does it need to be woven? No idea.

The piece should be a ring so the ends more obviously loop back on themselves. Re: slow computing, computation as labour, This Work of Body / This Body of Work, Meghan Clarke

What can you compute on rule 110 (apart from everything)? Can you write a hello world script on a rule 110 computer? Can you add 2+2?