
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
Revision as of 12:28, 12 October 2022 by Steven Rushton (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[In this edit I took the questions out and edited the text a bit.] Sara’s interview of Steve 1st edit: (192 words) Lately I've been working on a wiki called the Fabulous Loop de Loop (FLOOP). It's about a particular discourse around cybernetics (the science of feedback systems) The text originated from research for a PhD. The wiki form seemed appropriate for that material; it was the best way to contain the research I had done and to integrate that with the new text...")
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[In this edit I took the questions out and edited the text a bit.]

Sara’s interview of Steve 1st edit: (192 words)

Lately I've been working on a wiki called the Fabulous Loop de Loop (FLOOP). It's about a particular discourse around cybernetics (the science of feedback systems) The text originated from research for a PhD. The wiki form seemed appropriate for that material; it was the best way to contain the research I had done and to integrate that with the new texts I was writing.

This interest goes back a long way. I started a research group called Signal Noise in London comprising artists, academics and curators and we organised a series of events around the idea of feedback and cybernetics at The Showroom in London.

I think FLOOP takes a different emphasis. It goes into detail and studies seven particular feedback machines which, over a period of one hundred years, helped develop the discourse of feedback. Throughout I’ve been interested in how the idea of feedback, which is an engineering concept, became a cultural.

Changing to the wiki format was a very significant difference for me because that the way I organised the things I'd written previously, and it changed what I subsequently wrote. The wiki provided a particular structure.

