☾ Ål Nik ☾
What did you like about the process of creating the Special issue 16?
▶ This was the first time for me participating in such co-creation process - I absolutely loved how our group is super careful about having everyone involved; and no one was really trying to dictate anything. It's unique to be part of a process like this - in real life it could never happen haha.
▶ Learning tons of new things and doing stuff for the first time. From 0 to a special issue! Crazy!
What would you like to keep in the process for the next special issue?
What did you not like about the whole journey?
What would you like to do differently for Special Issue 17? Feel free to elaborate in more specifics.
What was the most challenging thing while working in the big group; and in the sub-groups?
▶ Big group: It took me 2 months to realise the extend of our collective responsibility for the process & the final outcome. I have never been part of such process where it is really up to us to self-organise, decide and deliver. For a very long I was expecting our tutors to step in and navigate us. For awhile I was wondering why it's not happening, hahaha Until I realise - oh, wow! This is how it really works :D
+ I often have a leading role in my previous projects and experience when working with groups. This time I forced myself many times to really trust our group process even though sometimes it was really hard; and I was frustrated. But I am glad I made it!
▶ Working on something I don't understand: this actually was one of the reasons I couldn't lead any process - what we did was completely new for me and I did not have the professional experience to guide the process. It was quite frustrating not to be able to see (or imagine) the final outcome of the special issue; and not to see the page of my showcase until the very last moment. I usually edit my work on the last phase (when it's published/ready but not yet announced) - because I need to see the final result and then polish it a bit :)