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why pockets

I love big chunky-generous pockets. Because I carry a lot of shits. From keys, elastic bands, a raincoat, plastic bags, and so on. I imagine a garment with many many pockets. Each pocket does a different thing or inhabit a different space and possibilities.

I like pockets because...

  • pocket is generous
  • pocket is portable
  • pocket is easy to make

...(to be continued...)

since I am taking smart textile workshops(interactive station skills), I thought this might be the best time to bring back my obsession with pockets.

week 7

At Zine Festival, I bought this nice book. (This book has only 20 editions! I felt very special.. hoho) A book introducing the project by Lu Lin and Alessandra Varisco, titled "What about pockets as a safe space?". Super excited to read it.