Etc Portal to Contamination
etc filter as an entry point to look into rejected space which can be a starting point
etc filter as an entry point/door to address/look into negative space/rejected space which can be a starting point, yet to be defined.
In the beginning, Gersande's(G) interest in the rejection list was 'rejection as a starting point' and Chae(C):'rejection as a turning point-a trigger for an action/a change/a different direction'. Chae was stuck with the word, 'et cetera' because she thought what goes under this ambiguous et cetera(and others) boundary, As C and G were learning how to analyze, process txt files and categorize, structurize using programming for several weeks,
week 7, 1st of November, prototyping
During the class, Manetta and Michael introduced us to the concept of corpora and filter. C and G were in a group (cuz we were sitting next to each other(=´∀`)人(´∀`=)) and we started a discussion about our interest in regards to the topic of 'rejection'. G mentioned S--(will be filled in) who focuses on the racial bias in A.I. and the relation between colonialism and technology.(maybe not correct.. G, plz feel free to edit) C talked about her fascination with the 'other' category and et cetera.
etc filter
week 8, 8th of November, before and during prototyping
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week 8, 9th of November, After class with Cristina
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