What do you want to make?
I am developing generative short story workshops as methods to "solve" problems. The workshops use a printed and set story structure with elements to be filled in by the participants. The method aims to trigger quick responses trying to escape the adult way of overthinking and analysing. My creative story-making method is adaptable to different audiences and in turn can help express and deal with relevant topics for these audiences. The material of the workshop is strongly inspired by the structure and methods used in children’s stories and fables to teach morals and ways of behaving, as well as social media platforms that try to quickly convey information concisely and in short amount of times. It gives short sentences in combination with illustration space to speak and hide more than what is simply written.
How do you plan to make it?
I'm creating structures that are then printed filled in and scanned. I'm also conversing with specific audiences about relevant topics they would want to address.
What is your timetable?
November - workshop with children, workshop organised by xpub
Early December - workshop with office workers
Why do you want to make it?
To allow for a different way to express things that need a platform. To open conversations. To allow for the participants to get in touch with their creativity and their locked away "childish" way of thinking.
Who do you want to make it with?
Different age groups and specific audiences
Who can help you and how?
Relation to previous practice
Tiny's adventure was one of the first step towards this type of project. I created short one line stories about daily life..
Relation to larger context