User:Amy Suo Wu/dummies, the sequel

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10th Nov. Animations

from magickwand import *
from ctypes import *
import random
import sys

duration = 2
fps = 15
transitions = 2
width = 640
height = 480
frame_num = 1
prefix = 'distort.'
extension = '.jpg'
inputfile = 'maria.jpg'

def loop():            
    distortion_A = generate_distortion()
    distortion_B = generate_distortion()
    generate_transition(distortion_A, distortion_B)
    generate_transition(distortion_B, distortion_A)

def generate_distortion():
    x_offset = random.randint(0,width)
    y_offset = random.randint(0,height)
    angle = random.randint(5,360)
    rotation = 0
    topradius = random.randint(1,height)

    distortion_params = [x_offset, y_offset, angle,rotation,topradius]

    return distortion_params

def generate_animation():

    for i in range(transitions):
        if i == 0:
            distortion_A = generate_distortion()
            distortion_A = distortion_B
        distortion_B = generate_distortion()
        generate_transition(distortion_A, distortion_B)

def generate_transition(distortion_A, distortion_B):
    fpt = (duration * fps) / transitions

    x_offset_step = (distortion_B[0] - distortion_A[0]) / fpt
    y_offset_step = (distortion_B[1] - distortion_A[1]) / fpt
    angle_step = (distortion_B[2] - distortion_A[2]) / fpt
    rotation_step = (distortion_B[3] - distortion_A[3]) / fpt
    topradius_step = (distortion_B[4] - distortion_A[4]) / fpt

    x_offset = distortion_A[0]
    y_offset = distortion_A[1]
    angle = distortion_A[2]
    rotation = distortion_A[3]
    topradius = distortion_A[4]

    for i in range(fpt):
        if i > 0 :
            x_offset += x_offset_step
            y_offset += y_offset_step
            angle += angle_step
            rotation += rotation_step
            topradius += topradius_step

        generate_image(x_offset, y_offset, angle, rotation, topradius)
        global frame_num
        frame_num += 1        

def generate_image(x_offset, y_offset, angle, rotation, topradius):
    arrayType = c_double * 3
    args = arrayType()
    args[0] = c_double(angle)
    args[1] = c_double(rotation)
    args[2] = c_double(topradius)
    viewport = '%ix%i-%i-%i' % (width, height, x_offset, y_offset)

    wand = NewMagickWand()
    MagickDistortImage(wand,ArcDistortion, 3, args, MagickTrue)

    filename = '%s%05d%s' % (prefix,frame_num,extension)

def usage():
	print 'please provide a path to the image : python myimage.jpg'

def main():
		global inputfile 
		inputfile = sys.argv[1]

permissions on the server

-rwxr-xr-x user group other (ugo)

to add permission +

to take away permission -

example: chmod go+w means that you give and group and other 'write' permissions.

28th Oct. Tile distort with imagemagick and cronjobs

Rain.pngRain.pngRain.pngRain.pngRain.pngRain.pngRain.pngtoday's weather forecast is........ Rain.pngRain.pngRain.pngRain.pngRain.pngRain.png

handy tips on imagemagick

21st Oct. I Command line!

ps ax = get a list of all processes running on the computer.

grep = search for a string

scp = secure copy
ssh = secure shell

ls = show me in folder
ls -al = all files (also hidden)
cp = copy (e.g cp ../../newmovie.mp4 . means to copy file two folders before here 
../../ is relative
* is wild card.

mv = move folder/file, or rename
mkdir = make directory
cd = change directory
rm = remove file
rm -rf = remove folder
rm -r = remove recursively. delete all contents incl folder

grep = find a string. (crawls for words in file)
grep "blah" "*"

man = manual

watch = timer. can do it to any file
-surveilling the file. command: e.g. watch cat poo.txt 3(e.g. txt) 
-This runs the command every 3 seconds.

./ = execute

sed = search and replace
cat = concatinate and print files (shows content of file and outputs in binary form)
echo = is echo
less = 

| = pipeline
> = output
>> = adding files.

ctrl + c

ls -al ~
mv *.jpg ~/pics/
rm -rf pics
grep “bla” *
find -name “*bla*”
mkdir test
echo bla > bla.txt
echo blabla >> bla.txt
cat /var/log/auth.log |less