11 03-class-notes

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The web

The invesion of the web Tim Berners-Lee - put these 3 protocols toguether 1990 - CERN [server] / ulr - http - hiper text transfer protocol - \ /

      html	- hiper text markup language


  • static files -
  • scripts - get program running on a server

url: protocol:// hostname path... (name=ip) ftp:// cern.ch/guy/file.txt } i can acess files htttp://pzwart3.nl/silvio/img.png \/ GET: /silvio/img.png (Onje can make a link w/out asking for permission: Hayles dream of freedom of information)

http - "pick up the phone, hang up the phone". very VS shh - long term connection - very intereactive protocol

//check the erro log of the server tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log


  1. ! /usr/bin/pyhton #tell it what will run the script

import cgitb cgitb.enable()

print "Content-type: text/html" # mime type

test it in command line : ./file.cgi

  • sshfs - mounts the server on my machine

import os print os.environ

for key in os.environ: print key, ":", os.environ[key], "

  1. if TRUE:
print """                                                                                                           

Hello windows user


Ted Nelson - computer agitator - hyper text thought the web was missing: a link should be 2ways. if one is linked by some, a link in this linked person should also appear

telnet is the same as ssh, but not encripted