Worlds Peachiest Boy in the World

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Worlds Peachiest Boy in the World

Page 1. Pipsqueek was a little man, Somewhat shy, somewhat sheepish, somewhat ‘fraid. But Pipsqueek knew smart things this man, He just simply did not like to parade.

Page 2. Balthazar Dolla’ Bill on the other hand, had a mouth, as big as a monster-super, mega truck, which left the entire group stupefied, awestruck. Grandilloquence! Humdudgeon! Sotto voce! Bellowed Dolla, shrill.

Page 3. 'Grandiloquence. Shmandiloquence.' Muttered Pipqisqueek to himself, that sounds to me a bit like overkill.

Flash. FLASH. And a lightbulb appeared. Pipsqueek grabbed it. Pipsqueek broke it. Pipsqueek had a murder weapon engineered.

Page 4. ‘I prefer direct communication Dolla’ Bill exclaimed’, leaving spittle as he spoke. ‘Lets leave feelings at the door, like the stoics for example did…’ Something something artichoke.

Pipsqueek did not listen any more, to humdudgeons and what not. 'Sotto voce, Sotto voce' whispered he, as he stabbed Baltahzar Dolla Bill, a lot.

Page 5. Blood and spittle sputter spat all over the flipper flapper floor, and Pipsqueek, little peachy Pipsqueek never heard Baltazar Dolla Bill speaking anymore.

‘Sotto voce, sotto voce’ spoke Pipsqueek meekly. ‘Lets now continue our critiques more respectably and I’m a little tired so maybe bi-weekly.’