Networked Media Sampler/Based on a true story/best group

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Revision as of 16:38, 14 November 2011 by Sebastians (talk | contribs)

condensed story:

In March 2011 the IT department of a Gothenburg school investigated the issue of a virus which apparently came from a student’s computer.

During a closer examination IT staff found that the student had 24 Hollywood movies stored on his hard drive.

“Our policy is to always notify the police if we have suspicion of a crime,” the head teacher said.

Prosecutor Fredrik Ingblad, a veteran of such cases, says this trial is a record-breaker – no-one this young has ever been prosecuted for file-sharing violations.

Although Ingblad says he will press for the teenager to be sentenced as a juvenile, the punishment for copyright infringements still run from fines to two years in jail.

During the hearing the boy admitted downloading movies such as The Fighter, The Mechanic, The Social Network and Scary Movie 4,...

“If the government should interfere at all with people sharing culture, it should be in the form of medals to those who share the most,” Rick Falkvinge told us.