
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
< User:E.zn
Revision as of 15:49, 27 October 2020 by E.zn (talk | contribs)
----------------- Taka Iimura - Ma Space Time in the Garden of Ryoan-Ji
----------------- Roland Kayn - Rosonic
----------------- We clamor for the right to opacity for everyone [Édouard Glissant]


Tbilisi 2017.jpg

Leftfield tools/tactics

-- Warchalking
-- Mesh networking
- Meshnet activists rebuilding the internet from scratch
- Pedro G. C. Oliveira, Xuedi Chen - Backlash kit
- Might Cuba's street net, SNET, become legitimate?
- Could Street Net, the largest private data network in Cuba, disappear?
-- Gambiarra: repair culture by Felipe Fonseca
-- Ignored By Big Telecom, Detroit's Marginalized Communities Are Building Their Own Internet
-- hyperreadings
-- USB dead drop
-- Low-tech Magazine
-- Richard Vijgen - Architecture of Radio
-- Xnet
-- Julian Oliver and Danja Vasiliev - Newstweek
-- El Paquete Semanal
-- !Mediengruppe Bitnik - Opera Calling
-- Fawkes: Protecting Privacy against Unauthorized Deep Learning Models by Shawn Shan, Emily Wenger, Jiayun Zhang, Huiying Li, Haitao Zheng, Ben Y. Zhao [src: Bruce Schneier ]
-- Control LED lights over internet with command line

Cuba's DIY Inventions from 30 Years of Isolation
- Ernesto Oroza - Technological Disobedience: From the Revolution to
- Ernesto Oroza - Rikimbili
- Safecast
- HSBXL // Hackerspace Brussels
- Riseup: MAC Address
- Telecomix
- flattr
- SNET // Street Net [Cuba]
- P-kassan



_ Networking tutorial
_ Bit slip
_ Manchester code
_ 10Base-T // Ethernet over twisted pair
_ HDLC // High-Level Data Link Control
_ Bit stuffing
_ Middleware


_ How can I find my Pi's external (public) IP address?
_ Port forwarding
_ Documentation -
_ A Sample tinc Setup - wikileaks
_ Howto - linode
_ Tinc
_ Simplify systemd service file -- Git


_ PCB Toner Transfer /No Heat/ & Etching
_ How To Make a PCB using Ferric Chloride and Maker pen
_ Heatless Toner Transfer for PCB
_ DIY home-made SMT metal stencil
_ Stenciling Tutorial


_ Python Crash Course
_ Automate the Boring Stuff with Python


__ Alexander R. Galloway, Eugene Thacker - Notes for a Liberated Computer Language
__ Judy Wajcman - Feminism Confronts Technology
__ Ruha Benjamin - Race After Technology [Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code]
__ William Powell - The Anarchist Cookbook
__ Ingrid Burrington - Networks of New York [An Illustrated Field Guide to Urban Internet Infrastructure]
__ Keller Easterling - Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space
__ Abigail Z. Jacobs, Michaelanne Dye - Internet-human infrastructures: Lessons from Havana's StreetNet
__ Domenico Quaranta, Geraldine Juárez - The F.A.T. manual
__ Why (and How) Networks Should Run ThemselvesNick Feamster and Jennifer Rexford
__ Critical Engineering
__ Mindy Seu - PDF Library //
__ Mindy Seu - Queer OS //
__ Hakim Bey - T.A.Z. The Temporary Autonomous Zone
__ Erich Fromm - Escape from Freedom
__ Technological Sovereignty, Vol. 2 [via Sandra]
__ Andrea Sick, Claudia Reiche - Technics of Cyber ‹ › Feminism. ‹mode=message›
__ Siegfried Zielinski - [...After the Media]
__ Alessandro Ludovico - Post-Digital Print
__ Yiannis Colakides, Marc Garrett, Inte Gloerich - State Machines
__ Taeyoon Choi - Poetic Computation [Reader]
__ Frank Pasquale - From Territorial to Functional Sovereignty: The Case of Amazon
__ Loes Bogers and Letizia Chiappini - The Critical Makers Reader: (Un)Learning Technology
__ Paul Virilio - The Aesthetics of Disappearance
__ Mark Fisher - Capitalist Realism
__ Shannon Mattern - Extract and Preserve [Underground Repositories for a Posthuman Future?]
__ Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek - Inventing the Future
__ Deep Lab
__ Josephine Bosma, Geert Lovink et al. - Readme! Filtered by Nettime: ASCII Culture and the Revenge of Knowledge
__ Eric Schrijver - Copy This Book: An Artist's Guide to Copyright
__ Fredric Jameson - The Political Unconscious
__ L. M. Sacasas - One Does Not Simply Add Ethics To Technology
__ Feminist Data Manifest-No [A declaration of refusal and commitment. It refuses harmful data regimes and commits to new data futures]
__ Anja Kanngieser - Experimental Politics and the Making of Worlds
__ Ken Isaacs - How to build your own living structures
__ Philip K. Dick - How to Build a Universe that Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later
__ Stevphen Shukaitis - Combination Acts Notes on Collective Practice in the Undercommons
__ Tiziana Terranova - Network culture
__ Audre Lorde - The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House
__ Zach Blas & Micha Carde - Imaginary Computational Systems: Queer Technologies and Transreal Aesthetics & Gay Bombs [user's manual]
__ Critical Art Ensemble - Electronic Civil Disobedience
__ Brian Holmes - The Revenge of the Concept: Artistic Exchanges, Networked Resistance
__ Lauren Berlant - The commons: Infrastructures for troubling times [via Femke]
__ Noah Tsika - CompuQueer: Protocological Constraints, Algorithmic Streamlining, and the Search for Queer Methods Online
__ Anna Everett - Digital Diaspora: A Race for Cyberspace
__ Clemens Apprich - Technotopia
__ Race after the Internet - Edited by Lisa Nakamura and Peter Chow-White
__ Langdon Winner - The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology
__ Tim Maughan - Infinite Detail
__ Alex Gekker, Sam Hind - Infrastructural Surveillance
__ Zach Blas - Contra-Internet
__ Pirate Care [syllabus & library]
__ Vannevar Bush - As We May Think
__ Roel Roscam Abbing & Dennis de Bel - R&D: A Low-end Rich Media Publication
__ Édouard Glissant - Poetics of Relation

~ Charlton McIlwain - Black Software // Data & Society
~ Ursula Franklin - The Real World of Technology

//: Mindy Seu - Cyberfeminism index

Erkki Kurenniemi : The Future Is Not What It Used to Be [Mika Taanila]
⯐ CCCB // TI
Ingrid Burrington : 'Frustration at the idea of how to look at something, look at a complex system, and look at power without creating a way for power to further justify its existence, how can you look at something without it being reabsorbed back in.' ][ Thomas Pynchon - The Crying of Lot 49
Zach Blas : We clamor for the right to opacity for everyone -- Édouard Glissant ][ Zapatistas < Re:collectivization of masks ][ 1845 anti-mask law in USA and 2012 Bill C-309, Canada's Concealment of Identity Act ][ Internet shut-downs: Myanmar 2007, Egypt 2011, Turkey 2014 ][ Paranode ][ Paul Baran's network diagram ][ Xnet


SIGINT // Signals intelligence
SMB // Server Message Block



› Gambiarra
Hybrid Spaces. Interview with Panayotis Antoniadis
The BitTorrent Protocol Specification
Circuit Playground Express
Setting up a wireless hotspot using TP-Link TL-MR3020 Wireless N Router


1.What do you want to make?

Tied to the inquiries into DIY/leftfiels tools and tactics implemented by the humans who have been either pushed towards it due to the circumstances imposed upon them or by choice: Software [web-based or stand-alone] and possibly an object [hardware], either as an extension [hack] of an already existing tool or a new one. This project might involve creating custom PCBs.

2. How do you plan to make it?

By learning Python and basics of hardware/electrical engineering. I might have to figure out how to 'convert' python to C/C++ in order to 'talk' to and program hardware.

3. What is your timetable?

I think i might need 4-5 months to get an ok grasp on python and engineering side. I will start prototyping asap and use the chunks of code i need, which might be already available online or upon consultation with tutors or humans outside PZI. So this will allow me to start building by January.

4. Why do you want to make it?

I would like to operate in a 'blank'/paranodal space, outside the established system while unavoidably being part of it in many ways, cause i don't want to depend on it and i want to be flexible while still existing within it. I want to make a useful tool, for me and anyone interested. This has a potential to go beyond the tool and expand/mutate/connect on a practical level.

5. Who can help you and how?

XPUB tutors and people whose works i'm interested in and are related to what i'm doing, as i was encouraged to contact them.

6. Relation to previous practice

My previous works dug into inner working of the dominant black boxes and questioned circumstances imposed by the local authorities. This time around i want to approach from an active position, rather than solely investigating them.

7. Relation to a larger context

Thing is, whatever is made, it will be on top of the already existing trash [unless trash is demolished], but still might be useful, since we are already here and want to keep going somehow.

8. References/bibliography

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