Mapping out the allies
The influencer
(Can collect 3 visibilty boosts + if you feel like it, block someone while they’re collecting fundings)
- Alex Peterson
- Lord kek
The lobbyist
(can pay three tokens and take down an opponents’ ally, can be blocked by the whistleblower)
- India Wintory
- Your typical logically fallacious masculinist youtuber that's spreads fake news with the support of his alt right party
The troll
(can steal two coins from another player + can block a stealing)
- XEN, the Anonymous troll
- Lord kek
(can exchange card with pile + block a stealing)
- Elijah Kendrick, rising star of Wall Street, CEO of Cassandra
- Machine drift
The whistleblower
(Can turn over the loss of an ally)
- Alicia Ahmed
- Conspiracy card : The *flat earthers* community has joined you.
- Appeal to the suprem court (to be developed)