User:Tisa/research strategies
Queering damage questions:
what is going on here?
which are the agents implied? alive or not, human or not, powerful or powerless
wheres? spatiality / situatedness / displacements / distribution
whens? temporality / durability / existing / extinct / repeated
semiotic-materialities: what signs and matters are at work in this ensemble?
your entanglement with the scene
can a pattern be identified here? to what extent is this damage structural, or singular?
Aymeric's questions:
- are you planning for an individual work or a collaboration (as in with another XPUB2)?
- what are the theories, concepts, frameworks you would like to engage with during the second years? (less is more)
- what are the practices, techniques you would like to focus on? (same)
- how do the last two relate to, inform, complement, or conflict with each other in a meaningful way?
- what is the issue you want to deal with (and/or damage, check again the queering damage questions, try answering them)
- what is the preferred medium or the media you are inclined to use next year?
- what kind of public do you intend to create?
- why is it relevant? (maybe overlapping, duplicate with the queering damage questions)