RPi OS image
Download Raspbian Buster Lite on your machine
PRi SD card setup [on Linux]
Hash Key
Verify if the the hash key of the zip file matches the one on the downloads page
[Buster Lite: SHA-256: 12ae6e17bf95b6ba83beca61e7394e7411b45eba7e6a520f434b0748ea7370e8]:
sha256sum <path to an image zip file>
Unzip the zip file
cd <path to an image zip file> unzip
Mounted Devices
Check mounted devices
df -h
Your SD card [partition(s)] will show up on the list: dev/mmcblk0<#>
umount /dev/mmcblk0p1
To write the image to the SD card, run the following command, but make sure of= argument output is a correct device name, meaning the whole SD card and not one of its partitions!
sudo dd bs=4M status=progress if=<path to .img file> of=/dev/mmcblk0 sudo sync
ssh File
Create a file named ssh in a boot partition
cd <path to a boot partition> touch ssh
SD card is good to go.
Insert the card before powering on the Raspberry Pi, and shutdown the Raspberry Pi before unplugging the card.
Configuring RPi
Default user: pi
Default pwd: raspberry
Default hostname: raspberrypi
SSH into RPi
To ssh into RPi, first, try
ssh pi@raspberrypi
If it doesn't work and
- a]] You have a screen and keyboard:
Insert SD and power the RPi. The IP address will be displayed in the console at the end of the boot process. Login with the default credentials and enable sshd
sudo raspi-config
Go to Interfacing Options and enable SSH.
If you did not take note of the IP yet, you can always do
ifconfig eth0 | grep inet
ssh in RPi
ssh pi@192.168.1.XXX
- b]] You don't have a screen:
Connect your machine to a router with an ethernet cable and run
nmap -sn
Adjust network mask, the RPi's default name is raspberrypi
Or if raspberrypi doesn't show up on the list:
hostname -I nmap -sn <ip address of your machine>/22
Now connect the rpi to the router and map the network again
nmap -sn <ip address of your machine>/22
The additional ip address that showed up is of RPi
ssh pi@<RPi IP address>
Change a hostname
sudo raspi-config
Go to Network Options, select Hostname and rename it If, for instance, Hostname is set to kadut, you may now ssh into the RPi this way
ssh pi@kadut
Add a User
Switch to root
sudo -i
Create a user
adduser xpub
To ssh to rpi using that username
ssh xpub@kadut
Add a user to a sudo group
adduser xpub sudo
To check if a user is sudo
id xpub
If xpub is a sudo user, the command should output 27(sudo) at the end of the line, after uid, gid and groups. To switch to a different user
sudo su - <username>
Remove default pi user
sudo -i deluser pi
List of users
cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd
Delete user
userdel <username>
Setting locale
sudo -i echo "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> /etc/environment echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
Generate public/private keys on your machine
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 320
Your public [] and private [id_ed25519] keys are stored in .ssh directory in the Home folder of your machine.
Get the public key onto RPi
To copy the public key from your machine into authorized_keys file on RPi
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh xpub@kadut
Or display the contents of file
cat <path to>
Copy the key and go to .ssh folder on RPi
cd <path to .ssh directory on the RPi>
and paste it into authorized_keys file
sudo nano authorized_keys Ctrl + x y
Disable pwd and root login
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Uncomment PasswordAuthentication and set it to no
Uncomment PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
Save and exit
Ctrl + x y
Reload SSH
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
Reboot RPi
sudo reboot
Login with a Host name
In order to ssh into RPi using only a Host name instead of xpub@kadut, modify a config file on your machine in .ssh folder:
Host watermelon User xpub Hostname kadut Port 22 Identityfile <path to id_ed25519 file on your machine> Serveraliveinterval 30
Host can be different from Hostname: watermelon
Hostname can be either set to RPi IP address or a name you've set via sudo raspi-config: kadut
And ssh
ssh watermelon
For Nginx and Tor setup >> instructions by Aymeric