XPUB2 projects Trim5 2020

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Revision as of 02:55, 3 April 2020 by Rita Graca (talk | contribs)

XPUB2 project summaries and links, for tutorials April 2020

Simon Browne

Project description
The "bootleg library" is a particular, situated social infrastructure. It operates from the understanding that the library is a collection; a collection of the texts contained within it, and the readers collected around them. There is a reciprocal, self-reflexive relationship between the texts and the readers, which produces sociability. A bootleg is a homage, an unauthorised copy of a source publication; bootlegging is a strategy by which texts acquire diversity, resisting singularity and representing readers.

Links to relevant pages

Rita Graça
Networks of Care

Networks of Care is a field guide to manage online hate with codes of conduct, community guidelines and other informal documents. This project sheds light on valuable clusters of people working as collectives to cut down hateful behaviours from their social spaces. A group that is active in removing hate for themselves and others creates important support systems. The field guide shares the experience of users and custodians, it comments on existing documents, and celebrates together the networks of care.

The project focuses on three actions — networking, archiving and referring. The effort of networking is to reach out to different people involved with community guidelines and document their knowledge. I'm approaching moderators of online social spaces, writers of codes of conduct, facilitators, community members and networks' administrators. In archiving, I'm collecting codes of conduct and annotating them, creating a collection that is possible to browse, dissect and analyse. My project doesn't exist isolated from all the others that informed my path, so I'm referring back to all the resources, projects, films, podcasts and books that relate with my work and point other ways forward.

Work in Progress:

Visualisation of the structure of my project.
(put link)

Creating a wiki to host and organise my project.
(put link)

Pedro Sá Couto

Tactical Watermarks
My project, Tactical Watermarks, is an online republishing platform. I actively make use of digital watermarks as a means to explore topics such as anonymity, paywalls, archives, and provenance. While the primary intention of analogue watermarks was to leave traces of authenticity, marks of quality or even aesthetic enhancements, digital watermarks are being used as a way to create accountability for users. Through this platform, I describe and document ways of living within and resist a culture of surveillance in the realm of publishing.

I am motivated by all the invisible individuals behind extra-legal publishing platforms, from curators, the ones who host, upload and even download material. Through the act of watermarking, I embed layers of information often dissolved within the processes of sharing texts. I experiment on how the process of adding stains can be twisted and revived. Stains are what I call user patches or marks that are difficult to remove and that do not play an active role in archives.

In this platform, users can upload and request different titles. While talking with enthusiasts from the Library Genesis forum, I understood the need to create a tool that allows people to share watermarked pdfs in a safe way. My platform is NOT a library, and it is also NOT an archive. I don't keep the files or intend to archive them. What I open is a space to de-watermark files, and append new anonymous watermarks with the technical and personal regards around sharing specific texts. In the end, these stories will circulate alongside the main narrative. With python, I will automate a republishing stream that enables me to automatically spread these unique files to different libraries, from aaaaarg.fail, to Library Genesis or even the Bootleg library.

Analogue watermark, 1417 :

Cover from the first book ready to republish:
Digitised version — https://imgur.com/a/X8s64qn
Ready to republish — https://imgur.com/a/LrkgMNY