HUB or is a VPN wonder to gazillions XPUB things.
You will need to:
- 0. Determine IP address of a new thing (see below)
- 1. Add a new thing (see below)
- 2. Ask user to give you preferred username & a new ssh pubkey (see below)
- 3. Add a new jump user (see below)
- 3. Jump user connects to his machine (see below)
Adding a new thing
Only gnd or a should do that. Also we will only add things that can only be ssh'ed via keys, no passwd logins plz.
- On xvm:
tinc -n hub invite ${NODE_NAME}
- On
Generating a ssh pubkey for the jump user
This should be done by the users themselves. This only applies to linux-like OS's. Users should be made aware what ssh keys are.
This generates a new key with a default name, so if the user already has an existing key, they should name it differently, so the existing one is not overwritten. The key should be protected by a passphrase.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 320
Once the key is generated, we will need the public key (pubkey). Usually it would be a file called located in ~/.ssh. Just cat the file and send us the contents.
♥♥♥ Please be aware there is also a file called id_ed25519. This is the private key. Dont ever send or disclose the private key ! ♥♥♥
cat ~/.ssh/
You can also send as an attachment. If you named your key differently, it will be a file called $
Adding a jump user on XVM
There is a script called add_jumpuser. It adds a new user on XVM, that is only allowed to ssh into the remote machine. You will need:
- Username for the user
- IP of the machine (see below for allocation)
- ED25519 pubkey from the user
Once you have all of this, just run on XVM (note the single quotes around the ssh pubkey):
/root/scripts/ USERNAME IP 'PUBKEY' eg.: /root/scripts/ lol 'ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIE29EOVCl0/WjknAoEEEZSPUyCWQKNoXX2HCC123456 some1@host'
When removing the user on XVM:
- userdel -r USERNAME
- remove USERNAME from AllowUsers in sshd_config
- restart sshd
IP allocation
- 1-9: XPUB main servers
- 10-99: shared machines used by the whole course (for admin or lessons or multi-user projects/libraries/etc)
- 100-254: personal and/or grad projects machines
Subnet Node ??? ------ ---- --- xvm XPUB server, tincd overlord, destroyer of pads skattkista Borg Central xpub2019 xpub1 sandbox (2019-2020) (Andre root) wizardcity Aymeric screaming Angeliki warnet Tash 10.0.0.??? food Alice -- misconfigured, lost in ether
Connecting to the machines inside
On the user's personal machine (where the public key was generated) just:
ssh -j $IP
If for any reason it doesnt work, please send us the output of:
ssh -j $IP -vvv