User:)biyibiyibiyi(/RW&RM 03

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08_05_2019 Exploring Annotation possibilities

How can annotation be useful to us, and a third party?

Possible ways:

Keep text and annotations together

  • scan and overlay transparencies (more like a graphical representation but perhaps not very readable)
  • write, re-write, cut and paste the annotations in a bigger paper all together
  • use the annotation bot (a digital tool)(it would be cool if you could underline, etc - yes! including graphic elements)
  • if digital, create the  possibility to turn on and off the annotations to keep the original text
  • bind the pages into books and make a bootleg library with them

Separate text and annotations (deconstruction / structure analysis)

  • only underlined text (in many ways: lines, circles, waves...)
  • list of questions, tags, notes + composition and mapping of them (different mapping techniques)
  • historical timeline
  • only drawings?
  • free graphical interpretation

Computer driven annotation

  • scrape the text (words processing)
  • pattern recognition
  • delete all articles and implicit elements

Combine the above possibilities

  • overlay of analog annotations to represent "heat patterns" (parts of the text with lots of/little engagement), as well as a digital version that is more legible
  • HOW DO I KNOW WHAT I AM READING? We are discussing form how do we talk about content? 
  • How do you make the content readable for others?
  • How do you communicate what you're interpreting?

22_05_2019 Developing future workshop around annotation


This series of workshops aims make to the operations of the shadow library visible. We approach this through a series of methods of annotation which investigate its structure. We use methods which usually involve modes of encryption and encoding (watermarking &c). We aim to make visible the processes of labour, production and distribution which are usefully rendered invisible. These methods provide modes of annotation. We will use a particular collection of texts. The aim is to set up a system which can be applied on a local level and later be extended.

refining the possibilities discussed during last session

what technologies of annotation could be developed?

  • Analog and digital annotation 
  • Multimedia annotation in new platforms, has annotating Music, Video, Lyrics
  • Watermarking as a form of annotating authorship, how turning it around and delete the watermarks. Rather than being proprietorial, how to twist this. Use watermarking to create the ability to define provenance.
  • Merge multiple annotations of the same content on a single place
  • The plurality of annotation systems, annotation through different medium, that there is not perfect system.
  • Metadata [annotations in files that are apparently invisible, for the computer to read, such as SISO]
  • Social network for multiple annotations / or collectively indexing [on reddit, people annotate threads by voting and downvoting; on douban (Chinese semi-social media platform on books and media, users can annotate reading remarks.],_tags,_keywords,_metadata_and_so_on...] 
  • Levels of annotation/ hierarchies?establish rules to define the relevance of annotations. Annotation as thermometer for relevance
  • Recording verbal annotations coming from collective reading/watching/listening: transcribe discussions

consider the methods you have used to date (consider the advantages and limitations, {vis a vis what you want from this project})

  • Cataloguing, indexing (such as the library system in rietveld academy, Evernote)
  • Scanning, tracing, replicating, identifying, naming

consider the possibilities of the methods you have been introduced to as annotation tools or methods (such as, watermarking and steganography)

  • The possibility of opening up the concept of "shadow" or "shadowing": zooming in the invisible layer of library to witness traces.
  • exiftool
  • OCR, and other ways of easing the process of publishing files
  • Git 
  • HTML
  • Pad
  • Bot

purpose of your workshop

Biyi: a field for collective action and thinking, therefore challenging singular top-down direction in knowledge production [in particular in media, news, publishing industry]. As space and tools is given to annotation, I want to explore "curatability" of annotation, how can annotation be curated? Curated annotation is an archive, challenging authority of canonized, scholastic works. How? [In workshops of annotation, tools are given to experiment. Annotators are encouraged to gather and discuss opinions towards main content. Make a toolkit/framework for curating annotations.


Theme: Reorganizing Knowledge: Curating pirate libraries [Pirate Librarian], curating annotations [Annotation Librarian]. I use librarian to refer to roles of organizing, taking care of, distributing, sharing, communicating knowledge. Who is the librarian in context of online shadow libraries? On Library Genesis, the main interface provides a search field to look for books. It is unlinke the conventional library, where physical collections placed according to categories provides an overview of thematic relationship between books. On the other hand, Monoskop provides background insights to its collections, stored in Wiki format. Reader can browse around interested areas on the Wiki, gain an insight on specific knowledge fields and choose corresponding literature. This role of librarian is not a role that one individual is occupied with, but rather,

Aim: As the audience become familiarized with know-hows of pirate library and annotation, I want to invite them to think and act further on how are pirate library and annotation tools capable of making structural changes to knowledge production? Via pirate libraries and collective annotation tools, can knowledge production happen on peer to peer basis, overcoming top-down paradigms of knowledge access barriers? By establishing more accessible, decentralized spaces and communities, the production of knowledge is being redefined by participating readers, annotators, collectors.

New Knowledge: Arena book stacks

Role of Annotation: Via collective annotation, people can discuss and share thoughts together. Annotation curation can give a active, well structured place or organizing thoughts coming from readers who do not hold authorship in the conventional sense. In this activity, readers are encouraged to shift their attention from reading the author to reading their peers. Make a better document for you - Make a better document for US.

  • references of from Joca and Tash's project from the past speical issue on Librarianship.

Self librarianship - there is Amazon these days, why need librarians? Algorithmic librarianship, how is work being reformed ? redistributed? Are amazon reviewers librarians? Self-responsibilizaiton

How will people interface to your project?