Client (Raspberry Pi / laptop )
Install dependencies
sudo apt install build-essential automake libssl-dev liblzo2-dev libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libreadline-dev
Compile Tinc 1.1pre :
cd /usr/src/
wget https://www.tinc-vpn.org/packages/tinc-1.1pre17.tar.gz
tar xvf tinc-1.1pre17.tar.gz
cd tinc-1.1pre17
sudo make install
tmux: attaches shell to the pi and running without your ssh connection
Adding clients On the server:
tinc -n hub invite $CLIENTHOSTNAME
On the client:
tinc join $INVITEURL
tinc -n hub add subnet
tincd -n hub -D -d3
to rejoin tinc you need to
1. start `tmux` and then 2. run the following command `tincd -n hub -D -d3