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I begin to read Jonathan Crary's writings. A problem that I find is that, there is a limit to rely solely on his reading to support my current interest. Suspension of perception focuses on the timeline the second half of nineteenth century, from 1880 to 1905. In addition to this part of the timeline I need to research textually on computer vision for example.

I am also finding readings of Bernard Stiegler interesting. I found a small book written by him, doesn't seem to relate to my research interest whatsoever, by incredibly contemplative. It's called Acting Out. I am reading on how he writes individuation in the beginning of the book.

In addition to that I also read part of the Consumer Society, but I am starting to unlike it. Perhaps it's because the way Baudrillard writes. I find that he focus on analyzing the scenarios, rather than the emergence of the conditions which I find more intriguing.

I also made a request in the library, to order a book called The Existence of Digital Objects written by Yuk Hui, who is a translator of Stiegler's writing to Chinese.