))General Bibliography (Special Issue 7)
General Bibliography / Special Issue #07
Surname - Title (year, typology[book,article,magazine])
If you don't really know the content or the category put it here
Markoff - what the dormouse said
Rose N - government, authority and expertise in advanced liberalism
Turner - from counterculture to cyberculture
Scholz - digital labor
The Whole Earth Catalog
Schaefer - bastard culture
Sennett - the corrosion of character (2014, book)*
Florida - the rise of the creative class revisited (2015, book)
Ventura - the leisure class disease (2017, book)
Digital labor: The internet as playground and factory (2013, book)
Brockling - the entrepreneurial self (2016, book)
Stachowiak - critic of the entrepreneurial self (2016, article)
Lorusso - fake it itll you make it (2018, article)*
what is the entreprecariat? (2016, article)
shouldn't you be working? (2016, article)
Pervasive Labour Union - Issue #11 (2017, zine)**
Aronoff - Thank God It’s Monday (2017, article)
Cognitive Science/Neuroscience/Psychology
Web, Stafford - Mind Hacks (1979, book)
Hofstadter - Goedel, Echer, Bach (2004, book)
Standing - who is the voice of the emerging precariat? (2011, article)
Schumpeter - the creative response in economic history (1947, book)
Knight - risk, uncertainty, and profit (1921, book)
De Blois, Korsten - from autonomism to postautonomia (2014, article)*
Jansen - have the courage of uncertainty (2013, article)
Jansen, Colleoni - precarity and post-autonomia (2011, article)
Tronti - factory and society (1962, book)
Negri, Hardt - Assembly (2017, book)*
Hackim bey - taz (1991, book)
Powell - The anarchist cookbook (1971, book)
anarchist cookbook version 2000 (2000, book)
Foucault - birth of biopolitics (1978-79, lectures) (2004, book)
- security, territory, population (1978-79, lectures) (2004, book)
- the foucault effect (1978-79, lectures) (1991, book)
- security, territory, population (1978-79, lectures) (2004, book)
Software Culture
Kitchin, Dodge - code/space (2014, book)
Radical Software (1970 - 1974, magazine)
Hacker Culture
Wark - A hacker Manifesto (2004, book)
Zukin, Papadantonakis - Hackathon as Co-optation Ritual (2017, essay)
Steyerl - duty free art (2017, book)*
Life Hacks
O'Brien - Life Hacks (2004, book)