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Discrete Dialogue Network // Toolkit

Anyone with a simple mobile phone can participate in the Discrete Dialogues by either placing a sticker themselves or reacting on stickers that have already been put into public space. Above that, the project and all its code is open to everyone who wants to set up their own network, modify or expand the existing functionality.

This toolkit is meant for enthusiasts who want to install and set up their own Discrete Dialogue Network on their own server - e.g. with a phone number of their own country.

You need to: 1. have a server with a running Freeswitch Installation, see + Python, Mysql, python-mysqldb installed 2. register with a VoiP-provider that provides a VoiP-number and a SIP-trunk (check 3. the config-files and extension scripts to configure your Discrete Dialogue Network 4. a set of DDN-stickers (download the sticker in .png here

Setup: MySQL setup: 1. query.txt << host, user, pw, db 2. run