
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

AI - Artificial Intelligence

  • automaton(animatronics/mechatronics/robotics/robot/android)
  • computer science
  • Logic (formal reasoning) + Philosophy of mathematic + Analytic Philosophy
  • cryptography (secure communication)


Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

Automated Planning and Scheduling

Machine Learning

Natural Language Processing (NLP)


Computer Vision


Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Brief Historical Context

Ancient Greece

  • Mythology Hephaestus /Pygmalion / Dedalus (Talos/Pandora/Galatea) // relation between Hephaestus and Dedalus + sphinx as a talking statue
  • Aristotel - 'Organon' syllogistic logic, first attempt to rappresent logic operators in linguistic symbols + Antikythera mechanism, oldest analogue computer

13th century

  • Talking heads
  • Raimond Llull

15th century

  • Gutenberg - Invention of printing (1456 Gutenberg Bible)
  • Clocks

17th century

1666 Leibniz - 'Ars combinatoria', symbolic logic

19th century

1822 Babbage - 'Note on the application of machinery to the computation of very big mathematical tables', Difference Engine
1837 Babbage - 'On the Mathematical Power of the Calculating Engine', Analytical Engine
1843 Lovelace - first published algorithm
1847 Boole - 'Mathematical Analysis of Logic', Boolean logic (Boolean algebra, Binary logic)
1847 De Morgan - 'Formal Logic', De Morgan's law
1884 Frege - 'Foundation of Arithmetic'

20th century

1913 Russell, Whitehead - 'Principia Mathematica'
1920 Hilbert - Hilbert's program
1921 Wittgenstein - 'Tractatus-logico philosophicus'
1928 Hilbert - Entscheidungsproblem
1931 Göedel - incompletness theorem, impossibility to prove the Hilbert's program and to clarify the foundation of mathematics
1936 Church, Turing - Church-Turing thesis, impossibility to solve the Entscheidungsproblem
1936 Turing - 'On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem', Turing machine (TM) + Universal Turing Machine (UTM), first theorization of the stored-program computer
1937 Shannon - 'A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits', complete electronic logic gate through the switching circuit theory
1940 COMPUTER SCIENCE >> first Turing-complete computers
1948 Shannon - 'A Mathematical Theory of Communication', Information theory
1948 CYBERNETICS >> Wiener - Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine
1950 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE >> Turing - 'Computing machinery and intelligence', Turing test
1959 Samuel - 'Some studies in machine learning using the game of checkers' - Machine Learning 1966 Weizenbaum - ELIZA, first chatbot in natural language processing (NLP) systems

Books & Articles

Turing - The essential Turing
Asimov - Robot series (three laws of robotics + zeroth law)
Weizenbaum - ELIZA, a computer program for the study of natural language communication between man and machine