
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki


Hypothes-is-pdf-audio.jpg Augmented pdf (links, audio, video, images)


  • Annotate the PDF file
  • Annotate the URL of XPPL
  • Develop tool for embedded PDF with sound/ other media


Attempt 1:

Steps to host the software in the same machine with XPPL so there is more control over the annotation data and the access of users

Attempt 2:

Plan: First annotate each link of the PDF. (Using that link in my scripts: http://localhost:8000/uploads/title.pdf) embedding the tool. Hosting hypothesis to each PDF online Solutions: to change the path of the files in viewer.html, to interact with app.route uploads at the, to add the viewer.html to the templates?

Second, I want to create a 'block'/html page of exported annotations from the PDFs. So I add the HTML page of the exported material. But also to link every PDF with its own annotations?

Third, add the viewer with the annotations of pdfs embedded to the stach page

Steps for embedding Hypothesis in Websites and Platforms