User:Alexander Roidl/sonificaton
< User:Alexander Roidl
Revision as of 13:17, 16 February 2018 by Alexander Roidl (talk | contribs)
1. create a tone
2. convert to raw
sox tone_440hz.wav -b 16 -c 1 -r 44100 -t raw file.raw
3. concert to image
convert -depth 8 -size 1000x1000 rgb:file.raw file.jpg
RAW Loop
#!/bin/bash counter=1 while [ $counter -le 10 ] do sox -r $((1000-$counter)) -e unsigned -b 8 -c 2 tone.wav tone.raw convert -depth 8 -size $((400-$counter*20))x$((400-$counter*20)) rgb:tone.raw tone.gif cp tone.gif tone$counter.gif cp tone.gif toneNeu.raw sox -r $((85000-$counter)) -e unsigned -b 8 -c 1 toneNeu.raw tone.wav ((counter++)) done echo All done