User:Alexander Roidl/bookscanning
transformative processes
- transforming knowledge
- creating new file
- creating new »content«
- new possibilities of processing (OCR, analysis…)
- revealing information layers (printing technique)
- turning an analog medium into a digital file
- change of object, color, pages, reading flow
- Kantian model of the book (object, that’s sellable & knowledge)
- Chartier
- display is changing
- reproducing the reproduced (Walter Benjamin -> next level)
scanning as a tool
- creating graphics / visuals out of scanned pages
-> draw an image from a scanned book pages -> AI? drawing images / abstract / concrete / emotion
- missuse -> new unexpected results
big data
- generating new data
(endless data generation)
- what data is selected?
- how to find sth. in that data (analysis)?
- we live within a given framework
- selection of texts leads to an opinion
- filter
- idea: chatbot trained only from scanned book pages
- sherry turkle?
light-sensitive color
- print with light-sensitive color
-> see nothing / image when scanned or -> see the text when scanned, but it disappears after scanning
Access to…
- digitale books
- analog books
- who has access / who hasn't and why?
- how easy is access (com. digital / analog)
Adding/Deleting/Altering information of existing books
- (piracy - connected to anonymous )
Feminist Methodologies
How digitization is changing the view on sexism/feminism
- books become searchable and more connected
- quantitative method (counting women vs. counting men)
The Mass Digitization of Books:
Discussion on Googles Book Scanning
NYT article on Google’s bookscanning & bookscanning in general
(Video) What is a book by Roger Chartier
Article on Roger Chartier and the past & Future of books