Divided Together
Divided Together is dystopian political satire set in an alternate United Kingdom that echoes the current post truth era. The film follows the leader of the ideologically ambiguous Progress Party as they prepare for the launch of a new set of policies dubbed ‘The New Way.’ The film follows The Leader as he move between various simulated environments and goes behind the spectacle of politics. This absurd narrative exists in a decontextualized world, in attempt to subvert universal power structures.
I was involved with the narrative class which involved looking at my work I have made for a short film, Divided Together. The general consensus was that my script was boring and lacks character development, which i accept. I feel this is fair assessment and I intend to work on the script more over the Christmas holidays in collaboration with my friend who I wrote the first draft with. This project is something I intend to work on for a long period of time until it's of a standard worth filming.
File:Divided Together Treatment.pdf
File:Divided Together Script.pdf
File:Divided Together Storyboard .pdf