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< User:Francg
Revision as of 00:21, 10 November 2017 by Francg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "- - - '''Structure''' - - - '''Pre-October 1st''' <br>- Media Censorship <br>- Google closes informative applications <br>- Amazon shuts down informative websites/domains. <...")
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- - - Structure - - -

Pre-October 1st
- Media Censorship
- Google closes informative applications
- Amazon shuts down informative websites/domains.
- Twitter removes account
- Banned Informative Posters
- Printers are taken over
- Banned online advertisements

October 1st:
- Network Censorship
- Online Surveillance
- Cyber-attacks, Frozen Protocols
- Police forces take away bullet boxes
- Anonymity from voters is compromised
- Hacking tools for Democracy
- Tor, Signal, Linux, Bitcoin, Mobile Phones bought abroad, etc.
- Automated transparent IP code?
- The Universal Census
- Interviews/docs computer scientists, journals
- Julian Assange on Twitter:'The Internet war has begun'

Post-October 1st: Information junkies:
- We live in a World of Big Data.
- Mobile/Backpack journalism
- Anybody can be a reporter, instantaneously distributing news on their online communities
- Mass misinformation, inaccurate and unverified content.
- Clickbait: Users are hooked by a continuous data input.
- Information is updated quickly, and many times.
- Information anxiety: How do big amounts of data affect users?
- How does this behavior pattern is reflected on the public opinion?
- Satiric news: they can be spread over the social medias, creating confusion and therefore misinforming.
- Satiric magazine "el Jueves" is taken to Justice, accused by Police authorities for a satiric new

Due to October 1st: Article 155:
- Process for juridic normalization
- Media Institutions can be taken over by central government
- Aiming to make news media neutral?
- Control and Centralization

No ethical concerns on social medias:
- Users personal data is traded and sold by social medias.
- Docnow: Community developed around supporting the ethical collection, use, and preservation of social media content.
- Docnow developed advanced programming tools for social research, such as diffengine and twarc, amongst others.
- #ArxivemelMoment (l'Associació d'Arxivers-Gestors documentals de Catalunya) - collects real facts from the 1st of October.
- #NoTincPor: arxivar l’avui per superar el dol - Archiving for the terror attacks in Barcelona

From neutrality to control?:
- How is private data manipulated?
- Are there any concerns on privacy?
- From Twitter 1.0 to 2.0
- From RSS to API: from neutrality to control?
- API involves a signed agreement.
- Why websites don't seem to use RSS feeds anymore?
- What is the benefit of using APIs if news update can't be followed?
- Will RSS technology be back even stronger than before?
- Before, the Internet could link to things without permission.

Tools for decentralization:
- Explain which tools I am experimenting with in my project and what can be achieved from it:
- Tools: RSS feed, diffengine, scrapy, beautifulsoup, ttrss, shell scripting, python, Linux OS, document classification systems, MongoDB, Tor, Raspberry Pi.
- What can be achieved: scraping specific info, crossing paywalls (newspaper with required subscription), stream information change from websites using RSS technology (or not), archiving, updating data, etc.
-Examine the relevance of cyber geography and how to get round its limitations
- Consider deep web social media platforms and platform-specific search tool
- What can be improved?

Document Classification systems:
- What is Wikileaks?
- what is Eventregistry?
- MongoDB (non-sql data base)
- Users collaborations / invites to provide feedback, code, docs, etc.
- Accessibility from all over the globe
- Hidden geolocation
- Pros and cons of using rasp pi local network
- Reinforce & support tools used by hackers during the 1st of October.