What/how/why/ 2

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What – how – why?

Last Project

The last project I did was the film for the Eye. It is a 3 minute 30 minute short film which shows a model partly filmed in slowmotion in a studio setting. You see several shots of the model pouring water in a glass of water in slowmotion, laughing out loud in slow motion but also just staring in the camera, sometimes covered in glitter. 

It was filmed in the studio of the Willem de Kooning with one actor. There was a make-up artist involved. It took one day to film. I used color gels to emulate the style of certain Kenneth Anger movies.

In the first place I was interested in the films of Kenneth Anger and using film as an artistic medium. The film is a formal study in how I can create a similar kind of atmosphere for future projects.

What where the central issues? What questions arose?

How can I make an interesting visual experience? What means do I need? 

How does it relate to previous work(s)?

Influences: Kenneth Anger, Aleister Crowley, texts about the medium of film and photography

Current project

What how why
Currently I am working on several things. I am mainly focused on photography/film and animation. With photography it is more a study about the materiality and the medium as such. I would like to make a photobook with a selection of all the images I am making and combine this with ‘artificial images’. With film I want to incorporate Cinema4D animations in a new film which is a continuation of the Eye film. The movie will explore the use of ritual but will have an homoerotic twist. I will explore how I can ‘put a spell’ (in a Kenneth Anger sense) with sound and image. 

What are the similarities between previous work?
The style will be similar. Juxtaposing images in photography. The use of color in film. The references to Kenneth Anger but also other artists I’ve been researching.

How is it different?

The difference is that it will be less of a formal study and more focussed on content. I want to pull it more towards myself, (not sure yet how).

Who can help you with current work?

Technical wise I think Barend can help me if I have problems with Cinema4D / film related things. For other practical things like a studio space in Amsterdam and arranging models / make up artists I can ask a friend (Karim). If I need assistance I hope i can ask classmates ;).

What is your timetable to get it done?

For the film I would like to have a first version done in three weeks.
In the first week (this week), I would like to finish with doing the basic Cinema4D tuturials. Start filming, and create the first animations. 
The second week I would like to reflect on it, add new things if needed. 
In the third week I would like to finish it up and have a viewable version. 

Future work:

What could it be? What form could it take? Why this specific medium?
In form I would like to make another short film, this time with a longer duration.

Where can it lead, what are your ambitions for it?
I hope it will will be a conclusion of previous short films with this as the final chapter. As I’m still broadening my view I hope that after the next project I can start narrowing down.