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Working Title

  • Exploring the micro internetculture Vaporwave as a Minor Literature.

Main Question

  • How can Vaporwave manifest as a 21st century Minor Literature without causing its death?


  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  1. Welcome to the void: How doublethink in Vaporwave causes bombastic chaos and voidness to co-exist.
  2. Minor Literature (In defence of the poor image): Is the (visual) language of vaporwave sharpening or flattening?
  3. Fashwave ( / Trumpwave: The soundtrack of the Alt-Right): What is Vaporwaves relation to meme-culture, alt-right and politics?
  4. From Kyoto to Mount Fiji (The Vaporwave Atlas): An in depth analysis of the Vaporwave image culture.

Methodology of vaporwave Lege huls die dmv analyse opgevuld word maar daardoor zijn eigen doel voorbij gaat


Born in 2010, the micro internet subculture Vaporwave began as an “ironic critique of global capitalism in the form of sample based informercials and home shopping networks” (Urban Dictionary) that used the empty promises of capitalism as a critique by heavily overusing brand A E S T H E T I C in combination with glitch, fluor, Greek and Roman architecture and sculpture and early nineties web nostalgia. The subculture later completely transformed into the subject of its own critique and was declared dead when MTV and Tumblr started to incorporate it in 2015. At the end of 2016 it is definitely not dead, it is actually more popular than ever, but it's intentions are unclear. The most interesting thing about Vaporwave is that its constantly contradicting itself. You could say doublethink (a term coined by Orwell in his 1984 novel) is based at the core of the movement. The subculture is nostalgic but futuristic, criticising but adoring capitalism, idealising zoning-out with its endless GIF-loops, but clashing that with heavy aesthetic.

Vaporwave creates it's own hyperreality where you enter a world of pastel perfect plastic, LED lit statues and cyan-blue waterfalls all on an old Windows '95 monitor in the Japanese city Kyoto. You can only see the criticism in second glance – beyond the flashy images and the elevator-music.


At the start of this decennium in the midst of global capitalism and an endless datastream a new subculture emerged from the depths Seapunk had just drowned in: Vaporwave, or better stylized: v a p o r w a v e. Seapunk itself was a short-lived and heavily aestheticized electronic musical genre revolving around aquatic-themed 3D renders and nineties nostalgia. It was the first internet-born musical subculture to break out into mainstream media. Its height in popularity simultaneously meant its death when in one week a new music video for the song 'Atlantis' of pop and rap princess Azealia Banks came out and Rihanna gave a performance on SNL, both with aesthetics heavily influenced by Seapunk. Azealia and Rihanna weren't meant to ride dolphins on a cyan glittery ocean any more than any other well established face of musical capitalism was. The subculture wasn't meant to go mainstream, so when it did it immediately fizzled out.

It was commonly theorised Vaporwave would have a similar faith, so much so that “Vaporwave is dead” itself became a meme. The prophesy was thought to be fulfilled when it was declared dead in 2015 when MTV and Tumblr started to incorporate it in their visual identity. In 2017, however, its 'abandoned shopping mall' aesthetic is still very much around and is still gaining popularity. Where Seapunk failed to survive its own succes, Vaporwave seems to have a little bit more to say.

CHAPTER 1: Welcome to the void

How doublethink in Vaporwave causes bombastic chaos and voidness to co-exist

CHAPTER 2: Minor Literature

Is the (visual) language of vaporwave sharpening or flattening?

CHAPTER 3: Fashwave

The soundtrack of the Alt-Right: What is the relation of Vaporwave to meme-culture, alt-right and politics?


# From Kyoto to Mount Fiji

The Vaporwave Atlas

An in depth analysis of the Vaporwave image culture. Visual Essay.

The Girl A blond girl in pastel stares beside the camera while repeating the same sentence for three minutes. Her features seem perfect, her voice soft, her posture still. Everything about her is plastic and meaningless. It's the perfect illustration of a lack of depth we find in the quick satisfaction of consumer culture, a consumerist void.

The Bubble The soft motions of a shiny globe gliding through the air, reflecting light on a thin fluorescent film. Beautiful in t it's completely empty inside.

The Empty Shopping Mall

The Roman Statue

The Window's '95 logo

The Fiji Water Bottle

The Arizona Iced tea

The Japanese character / Kanji

The elevator

The Palmtree

The Pyramid

The Road

The Empty CD

The City Scape

The Sea

The Desert

The VHS Tape

The Manga Character

The 3D Render

The Pastel

(ALMOST NO HUMANS: post-human world?)

Bits and pieces

  • Sara:

Capitalism, look at critiques of capitalism. Marx for instance.

  • Manifesto is in the images themselves
  • Constellation of images
  • 15 februari: re-submit
  • outline, 5 key texts, first chapter draft, second chapter start

What makes Vaporwave stick better than its predecessors? Welcome to the void!

The first computer my family bought was set up at a central desk in the living room for everyone to see and to use. An odd bulky thing which took forever to finally show the iconic Windows '95 logo. It went on to make the monotone sounds of a dial-up modem we all nostalgically look back to today, so we could open up Internet Explorer to visit the Dutch predecessor of Google: and from there surf into cyber space.

What makes Vaporwave stick better than its predecessors? Welcome to the void!




  • Hito Steyerl – In defense of the poor image, e-flux



  • Babbling Corpse, Vaporwave and the Commodification of Ghosts - Grafton Tanner (PDF)
  • Retromania: Pop Culture's Addiction to its Own Past - Simon Reynolds (PDF)
  • Kafka - Towards a Minor Literature


  • Macintosh Plus (one of the most influentialalbums)
  • Yung Lean
  • Blank Banshee
  • death's dynamic shroud.wmv
  • Saint Pepsi
  • マクロスMACROSS 82-99
  • Internet Club
  • Oneohtrix Point Never
  • James Ferraro
