
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
Revision as of 18:47, 4 January 2017 by Francg (talk | contribs)

Media Design — Experimental Publishing

[Franc G]

Software — Media Tools
Shell Script

*OP = OP* — Special Issue 00
Scarcity of Resources — Pad Notes, Links, Reserach
OP=OP — Development
Logo dev 1 — Riso printed archive
Logo dev 2 — Riso printed archive
Poster dev — Riso printed archive
Board dev — Silkscreen printed archive
Poster (animals=investors) — Silkscreen printed archive
Project Highlights — Photo Archive
OP=OP Launch — 10/12/16

*HOOKED — LOOPED* (Self-directed Research)
TV Program — What makes you click?
Notes on Nir Eyal
Notes on Tristan Harris
HTML/Javascript — Experiments
Interactive Diagram — Habit Design
Riso print — Hooked Looped
Pen Plotter — Hooked Looped (outlined)

*Tools for Experimental Publishing with Andre Castro*
Programming — HTML, CSS, Sublime
UNIX — Terminal
Lesson 1 — Python
Opensource — Books

*Media Writing Methods with Steve Rushton*
0 — Notes
1 — Work Synopsis
2 — Notes on Vilém Flusser
3 — Analysis on Nir Eyal and Tristan Harris
4 — Essay Draft 1
5 — Essay Final Draft: Cybernetic Nature

*Histories of Experimental Publishing with Florian Cramer*
Lecture 1 — 29/9/16
Lecture 2 — 11/10/16
Lecture 3 — 8/11/16
Lecture 4 — 14/11/16

*Guest Lectures*
Lidia Pereira — The Immaterial Labor Union
Dušan Barok — PhD Project
Henry Warwick — The Offline and Scarcity 2016

Glitch — Sublime, Photoshop, Audacity...
Feddle with Plotters — HP Plotter, Processing
Pen Plotter — Willko, Kim Hospers
Risoprint — Kim Hospers
Silkscreen — Kim Hospers
After Effects —
(Expecting) — Arduino, Stitch...

Hybrid Publishing

Studios in the Netherlands
