Karina/essay peer task

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1) Writer: describe, in your own words, what the text (s) you are reading are about.

2) Readers: make notes on the pad of what your peer is saying.

3) Readers, ask:

  • Why this text is of interest to you?
  • What is its relation to your self directed research?
  • How can you turn the questions these texts raise into work?

Karina asks Claudia
first text is about glitch - in a historical way, not onyl technological., but rt context glitch has been happening for years, glitch is something that breaks, what is normal / should be avant garde to modern times to digital

  • contextualizes glitch, gives it a meaning outside the digital. helps understand glitch as a different concept that can be used outside of digital. gives more perspective, understand the concept, as many artists use this for many years
  • very related, experimenting with glitch itself, look at glitch from diff perspective, not only create it in technology, but as a concept, easthetic of something. struggle to focus on this new perspective. artists use concept of breaking something helps me understand how I could make these glitches
  • thesis: why and how? work will be ambivelent, will explore glitch from different perspectives, give it diff meanings

the second source is a video by Rosa, researcher in glitch she speaks about her manifesto, her perspective, contextualizes glitch from different points of view, social, cultural, technological, esthetic

  • she has a strong views on glitch - stable / rooted / solid. how she talks about glitch from diff points of view
  • ambivalence - diff angles- it will help me to do the same - how I will work - socially, conceptually
  • ambivalence - was narrow minded before, needed more insight.

first focuses on historical, second on conceptual
Q: how far can I push it?

Claudia asks Karina
The first resource he talks about time theory. He compares experiments since the 60s and try to find out how different people sees time. He relates temptation with time (mashmellow test. They compare the results after a time, and see how these kids have done in life. Some people past-orientated, futuer-orientated, present-orientated. Each of those areas are divided into positive and negative. He realise you have to find a balance to be healthy. Once he find the balance he can help himself and also people). He saw that their family was past-oriented

  • Karina has been studying in an international school and studying with her loads of people from different cultures and backgrounds. The man of the text talks about that he has a different perspective than his family because he has been educated in a different place (?). She can relates with it because of this culture diversity. In school they allways exchange their personal cultural differences.
  • Look into how people looks at time differently and whether there is any cultural diversity between time theory. She wants to talk with people from different countries and see how compare and themselves with time. Social research and the see from here.
  • The main question is: there is not only difference between individus, but also a cultural aspect behind it. She wories about making steriotipes, but want to have a better understanding on how different cultures view time.

Levine is a phylosopher that investigates if different cultures look at time from a CLOCK or from an EVENT point of view. CLock time is strict and the mesure is based on the watch. And event time is about when people feels the time is right (more spontaneous vision on time). He travels around the world and write his experience on how people look at time in different countries, cultural shock.

  • It looks at cultural differences, but what is more interesting is that years ago she thought about having a different unit of time, and this text is about mesurment of time. These two are very connected. Also because they travel, when you travel you need to adjust to the culture, and how people look at time. The human aspect of it, the fact of living the experience on ones own skin. More emphatetic.
  • It looks at the three aspects she wants to study which are: time, culture and mesurement. Also the fact that it is quite personal, is only his experience and embrace the culture. She doesn't want to do any raw analysis, but talk to people and seeing what they feel.
  • How to gather/present data? NO Bios or steriotipical? One way to do it is to use the MOM test: it is a way to create questions without getting answers you expect. The best way is talking about the experience of their friends in their countries, not the expirience of Karina in their countries (EX: 1- perspective of these people in their country, 2- perspective of Karina perspective, 3- how her perspective clashes (or not) when she visits the country ). People who she wants to talk with they are expats, they can parcially relate with their country still, but they look to it from the distance, may be it would be good if she not only ask expats but also locals and see how it differs.