User:Laura Macchini

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Revision as of 16:41, 25 January 2011 by Laura Macchini (talk | contribs)
"I don't necessarily have to agree with everything I say."
Marshall McLuhan
"Il ne faut pas toucher aux idoles, la dorure en reste aux mains."
Flaubert - Madame Bovary
Laura Macchini
Laura Macchini

Tumblr ldblwd4yiU1qba3kro1 400.jpg

also known as Laura Chimera, or Robin, by the citizens of Piet Zwart.

I really like to cook, actually I tried to learn as many of my grandma's recipes as I could, before leaving Italy, just so I could export my favourite dishes :)

Apart from that, I usually spend a lot of time wandering outside, taking photos - or tinkering with my geeky computer stuff. Amongst the things I like there is architecture, graphic design, programming, linguistics, graph theory and Latin (mentioning food would probably be redundant).

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Batman nowhere.gif

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