User:FluffyDunlop/ReadingWriting2/notes tri2
Bruce Conner - a Movie (1958) vD7y-9gF64U
Feels like a 1e year film student found footage edit. He clearly chooses for the most gripping images accompanied with a dramatic soundtrack.
Not bad in its own way. But you can clearly see where the MTV generation got his influence from. Appealing images / Bigger then life soundtrack, no story.
Cinema needs our interpretation
Standard Gauge - Morgen Fisher (Editor B-movies)
The Ruling Class and the Ruling Ideas
epoch every ruling class has one the ruling class who owns the means of production has access to the intellectual force. class who has the material production in hand ale has the intellect The workers are not in control of their education
The ideal ideology is that: I’m free and I’m free They rule as thinkers and producers of ideas. The ruling class.
Thinkers regulate the ideas of their age smitty: the production of audience Their ideas are the ruling ideas of the epoch (of their time) The ideas turn into law.
We got people who think of ideas and we have people who don’t (they are the zombies)
3 soldiers
1 - The ideal soldier, playing the game who knows playing the game. 2 - Over engulfed ideal soldier, who ends up killing himself takes it to literarily 3 - The zombie