First Project Outline
Tentative Title
- Literacy as a dependency
- A continuation on dependencies
Observations on how interfaces might be deliberately trying to keep us away from the mechinic / machinic, from the process happening under the hood.
What are you working on now?
Collecting examples, and reading about interfaces, discourse networks, and control systems.
What do you want your first project to be?
A foundation for the rest of my work here at PZI. I'd like to use this first project to go in head first into these questions I've been having, to hopefully manage to explain why I choose the tools I choose and why I think it is a pressing issue for media and design in general.
How do you plan to make it?
Why do you want to make it?
Who can help you and how?
Relation to previous practice
Relation to previous project in the non acceptance of tools as a finished objects. Relation to a thought process around tools to design communications.
- Drawing curved