Sacred Pleasures
"heretics, who rejected the notion that woman is of an interior and nonspiritual order, were mercilessly persecuted by Church authorities. So were the s called witches and other woman who still clung to the vestiges of the prehistorical worship of a Goddess and her divine son, the Bull God (who then had become the horned and hoofed devil of the christian Iconography" -8
vulva: "revered as the magical portal of life, possessed of the power of both physical regeneration and spiritual illumination and transformation": crass swear word-cunt-16
Cycladic: a platter of a stylized vulva flanked by branches under a large numnber of spirals in which look like a spiral sea"
Kundalini energy: ecstatic bliss which is awakened during sexual pleasure -17
Myth: meaning the expression through images and stories of that which is believed to be an immutable or sacred truth"-22