User:Emily/Self-directed 03/02

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trascription of interview

interviewer: Cristina; interviewee: Yuzhen

  • What are you working on now /or What have you been working on?

I was working mainly on appropriation of exsited films but I am more looking on how I can use those already existed content to create my own narration in a way. In general, I think what I am looking on it is the pumutation that I can provide the spectators a way to interpretate the piece in a different way.

  • How did you become interested in the cinematic language?

Actually I would not say it is the cinematic language because I started with looking at cut-up techniques. They were at that time text based. And at pervious time, I didn't take the movement of camera or the spacial elements in account. It was more about how different conbination can create new narration. Latter on, I made the video work with reversed shots, which then makes me take look on the spacial movement within the film I chose. With it I try to make audiences attentively involve.

  • Would you say your works are playing with narrative?

It's not neccessaryly like a fiction film, it's more about the looping and reversing the elements.

  • The films you are working with as material can all be characterized as closed systems. However by cutting them up and introducing them into a database you are playing with their delimitations and confines. What made you choose to experiment with them as opposed to user-generated material?

So far with my work I think the users or the audiences haven't put much efforts inside my work. I mentioned that I am also interested in database-watching, but I haven't done so much with pervious works. (I was confused how should I redirect the question, becuase I thought user-generated material is not the case in my pervious work and it is not opposed to ready-made materials. But it is a really good question to make me think about more around)

  • Yea you didn't take user-generationted material, it's precise wrok, and you reframe it...

It's more about control. I don't really dealing with the content itself but the realtionship/interelationship between each of them.

  • the key element in your work seems to be the interaction with audiences. But at one point you mentioned the permutation, the query/ search founction on your page. How do you consider it as affective experience. (re: you mentioned the search founction ... contradictory elements)

You mean the search founction and the affective experience. I don't consider they are contradictory at all. We have them at the same time, so we take it so granted like the search egine. It's because people already get used to it by searching while experience.(When I transcripted it I found out that I didn't really get the question at that time) The content doesn't exist before we search it.

But it's not really searching in my case. It's he conversation in my hybride movie, or dialog. Those words/texts spectators put in is not used really searching the clips but to go into a dialogue and using film to visualize it.

  • You make a few references to cut up techniques and other methods of generating randomness, including code. What is the role of the algorithm in your work?

I actually try to minimize the randomness, by minimizing I try to make it accurate. I really try to generate precise content as feedback.

  • What kind of environment would you like your works to be shown in?

I want to make browser-based works as well as videos displaying spacially but a bit differnt like screenning films.

  • How do you imagine your work to be developed in the future?

For one hand, I may look at the video works after 1945, when the avant-gard films being sprung up. How artist can appropriate those exsited content, but at the same time avoide to commenting on original materials. Besides, I want people to take look on what is new there when I putting them togerther. And I am also facinated by long shots in the movies.(well here is cinematic language agian...)

From Cristina:

-How would you describe your work?

-The films you are working with as material can all be characterized as closed systems. However by cutting them up and introducing them into a database you are playing with their delimitations and confines. What made you choose to experiment with them as opposed to user-generated material?

-How did you become interested in the cinematic language?

-In your work the key element seems to be interaction with the audience. At one point you mentioned the permutational quality of the search function, how do you see this in connection with the affective experience?

-You make a few references to cut up techniques and other methods of generating randomness, including code. What is the role of the algorithm in your work?

-What kind of environment would you like your works to be shown in?

-What research strands would you like to follow in the future?