the following scripts are from:
Peter Sunde, summary
Making a short summary of the keynote, by using the automatic generated srt file from youtube, by using:
youtube-dl --write-auto-sub --srt-lang en [URL]
and adding a little 'letter-code' into it (here: xyz), for the sentences that should be included.
00:00:48,329 --> 00:00:51,709
xqz a critical mass that are upset with the
current state of the internet
import re # module for regular expressions
def convert_time(timestring):
""" Converts a string into seconds """
nums = map(float, re.findall(r'\d+', timestring))
return 3600*nums[0] + 60*nums[1] + nums[2] + nums[3]/1000
with open("") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
times_texts = []
current_times , current_text = None, ""
for line in lines:
times = re.findall("[0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*,[0-9]*", line)
if times != []:
current_times = map(convert_time, times)
elif line == '\n':
times_texts.append((current_times, current_text))
current_times, current_text = None, ""
elif current_times is not None:
current_text = current_text + line.replace("\n"," ")
print (times_texts)
from collections import Counter
whole_text = " ".join([text for (time, text) in times_texts])
all_words = re.findall("\w+", whole_text)
counter = Counter([w.lower() for w in all_words if len(w)>5])
print (counter.most_common(10))
cuts = [times for (times,text) in times_texts
if (re.findall("xqz",text) != [])]
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, concatenate
video = VideoFileClip("transmediale-opening-peter-sunde.mp4")
def assemble_cuts(cuts, outputfile):
""" Concatenate cuts and generate a video file. """
final = concatenate([video.subclip(start, end)
for (start,end) in cuts])
assemble_cuts(cuts, "transmediale-annotation-02.1.mp4")