User:ThomasW/Notes MediaandMemory
Media and Memory
"The past is everywhere. All around us lie features which, like ourselves and our thoughts, have or less recognizable antecedents. Relics, histories, memories suffuse human experience [...]. Whether it is celebrated or rejected, attended to or ignored, the past is omnipresent (Lowenthal 1985:xv) Page 1
Our understanding of personal and public histories is structure through what Joese van Dijck has termed 'mediated mermories' Page 7
The family photograph functions primarily as a record as visible evidence tat this family exist Page 35
"With mass-marketing memories that " we consume" as imagined memories and are thus more easily forgettable that lived memories" Page 39
"Until the lions produce their own historians, the story of the hunt will glorify only the hunters (African proverb)" Page 50
"Since memory's is actually very important factor in struggle, if one controls peoples memory, one controls their dynamism. And one controls their experience, their knowledge of previous struggles. (Foucault 1977:22) Page 55
Has Hollywood stolen our history?
"The human memory system is remarkably efficient, but it is of course extremely fallible. That being so, it makes sens to take full advantage of memory aids to minimize the disruptions caused by such lapses (Baddely 1999:200)
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