User:Amy Suo Wu/Physical Media

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Physical Media

Properties and methods of protocols:

1. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

  • Transport layer (only responsible for making sure everything arrives; data travels to correct destination)
  • Uses the three way handshake
  • Creates an imaginary circuit between sender and receiver
  • Robust quality
  • Conservative and liberal. Accepts everything, but if it's corrupt will immediately delete.

+ Telephone call ("opening and closing sentences to establish conversation") + Offline meetings (would be nice if entire conversation would end with one miscommunication) + Make the circuit visible by throwing wool or rope of some sort.

2. IP (Internet Protocol)

  • Partner of TCP (together they make a protocol suite)
  • As the engine in the car, but doesn't know how to steer.
  • Responsible for routing and fragmentation


  • Flexible routing system called hopping, doesn't know final destination, but knows next nearest
  • Makes datagram containing "expiring date"


  • Gets disintegrated into small packages (called datagrams) which can be send over the network.
  • Packages are then reassembled to make a whole file again
  • Get's refragmentated to fit the network size (smaller "roads" will only allow smaller packages)

+ Chinese whisper (program a hub to change data slightly) + fragmentation reminds of of IKEA + Datagram looking where to go


  • Fascilitates peer to peer communication
  • Distributed technology i.e. Rhizome model
  • Universal language
  • Robust flexible, strong
  • Open to broad variety of computers
  • Result of the action of autonomous agents

4. DNS (domain name system)

  • Translator from names to numeral (because computers read numbers more easily and humans read words better)
  • Predecessor was called hosts.txt, and was called namespace (centralized system)
  • DNS is decentralized database.
  • Inverted tree like structure (hieracy)
  • Decentralized because one layer can only talk to the next layer and not deeper layers.

+ current political system (politicians trying to communicate to lower levels) + institution + cross reference (for one document you need another document)

Question: where does DNS live?