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Project Synopsis

My research focuses on the possibilities that sonology & computer models can offer for the development of sculptures (2d or 3d) and awareness of places and spaces. It will give the viewer an object to look at and perceive the room in a different way. The way the room is visualized is trough the use of reflecting sound frequencies. This idea comes from a method, called impulse response. It is a method that I frequently use in my sound design practice. With the information that the impulse response gives, a sculpture is created to visualize the acoustic properties of that space.

The sculpture will be calculated and constructed in a 3d model by a computer and could be made in a physical object. The way the transition of a 3d model to a physical one is conceived needs to be determent, there are more ways of doing this and the size of the sculptures has a huge role in this.

The outcome of this research will be presented in the exposition gallery. The form of the presentation could be pictures, sculptures or both

The research starts in two directions that need to be one in the end. The first direction is the place or space and the second is the method of visualization. What I found in my prototyping research stage is that you can't finish one direction without another. So it is important to develop them both and see where the different directions merge.


With this project I’m aiming to surprise the viewer with a new perception of a space, and to connect the viewer to the space in a different way. The idea of engaging the viewer with the space comes from the idea that there are acoustics properties that you might not be aware of. Through this properties of a space I can visualize my research and let the viewer be engaged and connect to the space in different way

Within the early presentations of my proposal to my peers and pzw staff, I found out that the subject of impulse response is hard to grab. So the engagement with the viewer has some other aspects than just "presenting" objects or visualizations. I could choose to educate in the case that the impulse response technique plays a more narrative role. Or I could choose to leave the technical explanation out, this in case that the work is strong enough and doesn't need any technical details to explain the work. What I need to tell in a technical aspect is defined by the outcome of my research.

The idea of engaging the viewer with the space comes from the idea that there are acoustics properties that you might not be aware of. Through this properties of a space I can visualize my research and let the viewer be engaged and connect to the space in different way

What is an impulse response?

An impulse response is a method to calculate the reverberant properties of a certain space. Trough the playback and recording of frequencies ranging from 0hz to 50kHz the resonating properties and thus the reverberant character of the space is calculated. Imagine a space where at one end speakers are placed and on the other end a microphone. Trough the speakers every usable sound frequency is played back and simultaneously recorded through the microphone. The signal that has been recorded through the microphone is now very important, because it contains every frequency that we've played back and all the reflections of the room that came within the recording. If we let the computer subtract the original frequencies from the recorded frequencies trough a convolution method, we are left with the Impulse Response of that room

Below are the basic sound examples of a Impulse Response technique.
A clean sweep to play
A recorded version of that sweep
The impulse response
A sine sweep from 20Hz to 20kHz
A sine sweep from 20Hz to 20kHz recorded trough a microphone in a room
Impulse Response through deconvolution method

Workflow, Prototype & Research

a more natural way of representing the space. The sound originates from the center of the room and the reflections are measured in every direction. This results in an explosion like sculpture. Depending on the size of the room where the impulse response is taken, the size of the sculpture may be different. Bigger rooms have a larger reverb so the sculpture is bigger. I’m aiming at impulse responses from common rooms, toilets, bathrooms, classrooms and larger places like churches or halls.

Depending of the size of the sculpture the sculpture is either 3d printed or cnc’ed out of Styrofoam. To enhance the visualisation and to obscure any blemishes that occur during the process a coating of paint is applied.

The viewer will first see the object floating mid-air in the exhibition space. And see the pictures on the wall of similar sculptures, by reading the explanation of the project it should come clear why the sculptures are made and what they represent.